
These are some Hyper Island client projects I was involved in.


Herizon wanted something simple and relatable to their company, so we used their colors and formed a visual narative that captures what Herizon is all about.

I started making the model for the bubbles, then the color, I followed the story board my group had made and began animating each scene. Once it came to the scene with multiple animated bubbles, I made a simulation to lighten the animating work load for myself.

I made the earth, bubbles, their animations, colors and simulations in Blender.

Pepper Quest

In the begining of the video the spices come out of the jar and the camera follows them back into the jar in which live fotage starts palying of where the spices were harvested from, filmed by the client Pepper Quest. (Fotage removed to only show the 3D parts I worked on.) Then, once the fotage ends, the last of the spices fall into the jar and the lid is locked shut followed by a pack shot (that I also took out).

I had to figure out how to simulate the spices spinning out of the jar, spinning in the jar and finally I reversed the render so they'd go back into the jar.

I did the camera work and simulations for the spices in Cinema 4D.

Sabine Marcelis

First we needed a desert terrain so I procedurally designed the dunes and sand ripples with noise (I didn't have enough time to figure out how to make the ripples absent from where the glass towers were standing). I then made the sun light and adjusted the terrain's color, reflection, etc, according to the clients reference. At the very end I removed the glass tower's top's reflection to show the gradient which the client wanted visible.

I made the desert terrain, lighting, half the animations for the glass towers and camera in Cinema 4D